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History-Social Science

History-Social Science Standards and Framework

In history-social science instruction, we use multiple guiding documents to drive classroom experiences for our students: relevant state standards and the California framework. You can link to these documents below:

The California Department of Education has created brochures to provide families a brief overview of the critical content students will learn in each grade band (elementary, middle, and high school). Links to the brochures are below.

Instructional Materials

In April 2019, the San Juan Unified School District Board of Trustees adopted new history-social science materials for grades K-8 and high school world and United States history. Below, please find the materials currently adopted for history-social science instruction. Information for accessing online demo accounts are also included.

Grades TK-5

California Studies Weekly
User name: caadoption
Password: demo

Grades 6-8, high school world history, high school United States history

California Impact
User name: studentcass100
Password: MHEreview