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Voice in San Juan Unified

San Juan Unified is a large school district serving a diverse community and individual learner needs. A variety of committees are convened each year to help review and advise both staff and the Board of Education on critical issues. 

Applications for the Curriculum, Standards, Instructional and Student Services Committee can be completed online or PDF application may be printed and returned via email, postal mail or fax. 

Applications for the Facilities Committee can be completed online or PDF application may be printed and returned via email, postal mail or fax.  

Applications for the Local Control and Accountability Plan Parent Advisory Committee (LCAP PAC) can be completed online. 

Applications for the Citizen's Bond Oversight committee can be completed online.

Applications for the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Special Education can be completed online.

Applications for the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Committee can be completed online. 

Bond Citizens' Oversight Committee (COC)

The COC reviews expenditures under community approved facilities bonds and issues quarterly reports on progress under each initiative. 

Membership is open to community members who reside within the district's boundary.

Appointments to the committee are made by application to and approval of the Board of Education. 

There are three vacancies on the committee for an at-large/community member, parent member and PTA member.

Meeting Frequency:

Committee Webpage  Apply

Curriculum, Standards, Instructional, and Student Services Committee (C&S)

The C&S committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Education on educational programs, standards, and assessments; graduation and course requirements; textbook adoptions; and policies on student behavior and discipline. 

Membership is open to residents who live within the district's boundaries. 

Each member of the Board of Education appoints two members to the committee from those who have applied. One member must be from the board member's trustee area and the second appointee may reside anywhere in the district. 

There are no vacancies on the committee.  

Meeting Frequency:
First and third Wednesday of each month. 

Committee Webpage   Apply

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

DELAC provides guidance and input on issues related to the delivery of instruction and services for English language learners. 

Parents, guardians and community members with an interest in supporting English language learners. 

Members are nominated by school English Learner Advisory Committees (ELAC).

Meeting Frequency:

Speak with your school principal or school ELAC committee if you are interested in joining DELAC.

Committee webpage

Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee reviews issues at the direction of the Board of Education relating to the district's facilities. The committee issues recommendations to the Board of Education. 

Membership is open to residents who live within the district's boundaries. 

Each member of the Board of Education appoints two members to the committee from those who have applied. One member must be from the board member's trustee area and the second appointee may reside anywhere in the district. 

There are two vacancies on the committee.  

Meeting Frequency: 
First Tuesday of each month. 

committee webpage   APPLY

Local Control and Accountability Plan Parent Advisory Committee (LCAP PAC)

The committee consults and provides advice to the Board of Education on matters pertaining to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) with the goal of improving the performance of English learner, low-income, and foster youth students as well as the performance of all students in the state priority areas. 

The committee consists of parents or legal guardians of pupils enrolled in the district, and students enrolled in the district with an emphasis on parents, legal guardians, and students who represent state and district-identified targeted student groups.

Each member of the Board of Education appoints two individuals to serve on the committee, and the superintendent appoints six members for a total of twenty members.

There are three vacancies on the committee.  

Meeting Frequency:
Minimum of four times per year. 

Committee webpage   Apply

Special Education Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

The CAC gathers input regarding the San Juan Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) plan and provides feedback to the superintendent and board on necessary changes or additions to serve the needs of students who receive special education services. The committee also works to build support networks for special education students and their families. 

Committee membership is open to any parent, guardian, student, staff, or community member with an interest in the delivery of special education services subject to the selection process. 

Interested individuals must apply for membership and be appointed by a member of the Board of Education or the Superintendent. Each board member appoints two members to the committee and the superintendent appoints four members. 

There are no vacancies on the committee.  

Meeting Frequency: 
The committee will determine meeting frequency at its organizational meeting at the start of the year. Historically, the committee has met monthly. 

committee webpage   Apply

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)

The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) committee works to ensure all San Juan Unified students are healthy and successful through health education, physical education, school health services, nutrition services, school counseling, psychological and social services, and community involvement.

All students, staff, parents/guardians and community members are able to join the committee. 

Interested individuals may sign up by completing the online application. 

Meeting Frequency: 
Three times per year. 

Committee webpage   Apply