Website Accessibility
The San Juan Unified School District is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website for students, parents, and members of the community, including those with disabilities. The District websites will be maintained in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act ("Section 504") and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("Title II").
The District shall ensure that all new, updated, and existing webpages are accessible to all persons, including those with disabilities. The District shall ensure that all website content or functionality on the District's websites shall conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ("WCAG") 2.0, Level AA standards, or updated equivalents of these guidelines.
Brief Explanation about Section 504 and Title II
Section 504 protects qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination in programs and activities that receive federal funding. Specifically, Section 504 prohibits districts from excluding individuals with disabilities from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any district program or activity. Title II extends this prohibition on discrimination established by Section 504 to all activities of state and local governments regardless of whether these entities receive federal financial assistance.
Help With Accessibility
If you have trouble accessing any of our webpages or documents, please call (916) 979-8281. Please help us respond to you in the most beneficial way by indicating the nature of your accessibility problem, the preferred format(s) in which you want to receive the material, and your contact information.
Contact Information
Marythony Sohl
(916) 979-8281
Filing a Formal Complaint
A student, parent or member of the public who wishes to submit a complaint regarding a violation of Section 504 or Title II related to accessibility of any District webpage that is developed or maintained by the District may initiate a complaint pursuant to Board Policy 1312.3, or by emailing the District’s Title IX Coordinator, Linda Simlick, at