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Board Briefs: Aug. 13, 2024

Board Briefs: Aug. 13, 2024

Here are a few highlights from the Aug. 13 board meeting (the agenda packet is available):

Board hears report on the district’s teacher residency program

The San Juan Unified Teacher Residency at Alder Graduate School of Education is beginning its third year of implementation. The program was originally approved as a strategy for supporting recruiting and retention efforts, specifically emphasizing our goal to staff hard-to-fill teaching positions with employees who represent the communities we serve. Staff shared background information about the residency, a progress report about the residency's key actions and accomplishments and a summary of the next steps. Through the program, the district’s teacher residents have the opportunity to earn a teaching credential and master's degree in one year. The full presentation is available.

Board hears update from the San Juan Education Foundation

The San Juan Education Foundation, an independent non-profit organization that provides grants and support directly to San Juan Unified teachers and schools, provided an update to the board. Grants are provided directly to teachers and the foundation has grown in scholarship funds given to graduating seniors.

2023-24 was an exceptional year for the foundation with events breaking records for attendance and fundraising, the largest donation received in the organization's history and the number of student scholarships growing. Last school year, a total of 46 scholarships were awarded to San Juan Unified students and 68 grants provided support to teacher efforts inside classrooms. As the foundation moves forward, a new strategic plan has been adopted focused on increasing fundraising efforts, increasing the organization's supporters, growing awareness of their efforts and achieving sustainability. Learn more about the San Juan Education Foundation.

In other news…

  • The board adopted a resolution declaring the intent to convey a permanent easement at Katherine Johnson Middle School to the Sacramento County Division of Real Estate. A public meeting will be held on Aug. 27.
  • The board adopted the Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators for the 2024-25 school year.

The next regular board meeting will be held on Aug. 27 at 6:30 p.m. Visit for details. You can also view videos of prior board meetings at