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Board Briefs: June 11, 2024

Board Briefs: June 11, 2024

Here are a few highlights from the June 11 board meeting (the agenda and the agenda packet are available):

Board hears update on the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

The board held a public hearing regarding San Juan Unified’s 2024-27 LCAP, which is a three-year plan that supports the continuous improvement of student performance within eight state priorities, with an emphasis on English learner, low-income and foster youth students. The LCAP is updated yearly based on a review of multiple sources of data that includes input gathered from consulting with our educational partners, state and local data and research. View the full presentation

Update provided on the proposed middle school boundary adjustments

Staff provided the board with an update regarding the proposed middle school boundary adjustments in the western region of the district, and the board discussed the recommendation to adopt proposed boundary map number three. The proposed boundary adjustments would go into effect for the 2025-26 school year and would impact Arden Middle, Arcade Middle, Katherine Johnson Middle, Winston Churchill Middle and Starr King K-8 schools. Action is anticipated at the June 25 board meeting. To learn more about the middle school boundary adjustment process and to review the proposed maps, visit

Board hears update on proposed revised dress code policy

Staff provided the board with a report on the process for revising the district-wide student dress code. Over the last several years, students across the district have expressed concerns about the current San Juan Unified student dress code policy and a desire to see a more inclusive policy that aligns with the district’s 8-point Commitment to Educational Justice. 

A district dress code committee was formed, and after extensive feedback gathering, the committee drafted a revised dress code policy. The revised dress code policy would ensure consistency in policy across all San Juan Unified schools. After considerable public input this spring, revisions have been made to the proposed policy. View the presentation and the proposed dress code policy. The board is expected to take action on this policy update at the June 25 board meeting.

In other news…

  • The board heard an update regarding the 2024-25 proposed budget. Action is anticipated at the June 25 board meeting.

  • The board discussed the proposed name change for Encina Preparatory High School to Encina High School. Action is anticipated at the June 25 board meeting.

  • The board approved the permanent easement at Garfield Elementary School and the permanent easement at Albert Schweitzer Elementary School to the Carmichael Water District. Additionally, the board approved a permanent easement at Del Paso Manor Elementary School to the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.

  • The board approved the tentative agreement between the San Juan Professional Educators Coalition and the San Juan Unified School District.

  • The board adopted the bargaining interests of the board for negotiations with Teamsters Union Local No. 150.

The next regular board meeting will be held on June 25 at 6:30 p.m. Visit for details. You can also view videos of prior board meetings on the district’s YouTube channel at