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Board Briefs: March 19, 2024

Board Briefs: March 19, 2024

Here are a few highlights from the March 19 board meeting (the agenda and the agenda packet are available):

Board hears presentation on bond opinion research results

On Nov. 14, 2023, the board of education approved the recommendation to obtain the services of qualified consultants to conduct a community survey regarding school facility needs. The district hired Fairbank, Maslin, Maulin, Metz and Associates and the Lew Edwards Group to conduct 615 telephone and online interviews of likely November 2024 voters in the San Juan Unified School District. The survey was conducted between Dec. 11-17, 2023. A few key insights include:

  • Californians, including voters in school districts, are in a pessimistic mood.

  • Two-thirds of respondents see a need for additional funding for schools.

  • More than two-thirds express safety concerns; a majority agree schools are in need of repair.

  • When potential bond ballot language was tested, nearly three in five said they would vote “yes” on the measure.

  • A lower bond amount does not elicit stronger support.

The proposed San Juan Unified bond measure appears viable. As a next step, a tracking survey will be conducted in late May and June to confirm the viability of the measure. If viable, the board would need to take action before Aug. 8 to qualify a measure for the Nov. 5 presidential ballot. 

Update provided on the process of revising the student dress code policy

Staff provided the board with an update on the process of revising the student dress code policy. Beginning in 2019, the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC), along with students across the district, expressed concerns about the current San Juan Unified dress code policy (Board Policy 5132). During the 2020-21 school year, student listening sessions were held to gather feedback at El Camino Fundamental High School, Bella Vista High School, and Will Rogers Middle School. 

SSAC brought this issue forward as an area of concern in 2020. A student committee was formed and worked in conjunction with SSAC to create a survey, in which 4,500 students participated. Concerns focused on: gender bias, and discriminatory language, as well as issues with enforcing the policy, which included shaming, missed instructional time, and inconsistent enforcement from staff. In the 2022-23 school year, a district committee was formed to draft an updated dress code policy. Staff reviewed the process used to create the committee, develop a revised dress code policy, and the steps that will be taken to gather a wide range of input from students, staff, and the community on the draft policy. The public review period will be open from April 1 to May 17. The full presentation is available.   

In other news…

  • The board adopted a resolution proclaiming April 6-12 as the Week of the Young Child.

  • The board reviewed and approved the 2023-24 second interim report and the budget revision reflecting projected-year budget totals. 

  • The board approved the 2024-27 district transportation plan. 

The next regular board meeting will be held on April 9 at 6:30 p.m. Visit for details. You can also view videos of prior board meetings on the district’s YouTube channel at