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Board Briefs: May 28, 2024

Board Briefs: May 28, 2024


Here are a few highlights from the May 28 board meeting (the agenda and the agenda packet are available):

Board hears update on TK-12 math

An update regarding TK-12 mathematics in San Juan Unified was shared with the board. The district’s current achievement data shows that a high percentage of students are currently performing below grade level in math, and as a result, the district is implementing actions to support the acceleration of math learning at the district and site levels. These actions include district-wide professional learning, support for intervention practices at sites, and before and after-school opportunities to engage students in mathematical thinking. 

Staff provides update on district’s Expanded Learning Opportunities Program

Staff provided the board with an update on the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P). Expanded learning programs provide academic support and enrichment, as well as social-emotional learning and growth to thousands of San Juan Unified students outside of traditional school hours. Expanded learning programs, historically funded by the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and 21st Century grants, have been expanded with ELO-P funds to offer increased access to before and after-school programs districtwide for students most in need.

Board approves new strategic plan

The board adopted the proposed strategic plan, with a minor adjustment to the district’s mission statement. The plan was developed through extensive input and feedback from students, families, staff and community members. 

In other news…

  • The board recognized the Mira Loma High School Science Bowl team for taking high honors at the 2024 National Science Bowl. Additionally, the board recognized the Winston Churchill Middle School Science Olympiad team for taking high honors at the 2024 Northern California State Tournament. 

  • The board adopted two resolutions declaring the intent to convey one permanent easement at Garfield Elementary School and one permanent easement at Albert Schweitzer Elementary School to the Carmichael Water District. Public hearings will be held on June 11. Additionally, the board adopted a resolution declaring the intent to convey one permanent easement at Del Paso Manor Elementary School to the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District and a public hearing will be held on June 11.

  • The board discussed the district’s bargaining interests with the Teamsters Union Local No. 150 for successor contract. Public comment and action is anticipated on June 11.

The next regular board meeting will be held on June 11 at 6:30 p.m. Visit for details. You can also view videos of prior board meetings on the district’s YouTube channel at