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Update on regional social media threats - Sept. 13, 2024

Update on regional social media threats - Sept. 13, 2024

Over the past two days, San Juan Unified has received reports of social media posts containing threatening statements and each naming or tagging a different list of schools across the region, including four in San Juan Unified. Schools that were named have sent messages directly to their families and staff. State and federal officials, as well as local law enforcement, are aware and monitoring these posts. As of last night, we continued to see new posts from multiple accounts. 

Our safety team is closely monitoring the situation in coordination with law enforcement. We want to reassure families that we have no evidence of an actionable threat to any of our school communities at this time. 

Posting threats of violence disrupts our learning environments and can cause fear, even if the author has no intent to cause harm. Individuals found to post threats may face criminal charges and school discipline. 

Parents and guardians are encouraged to speak with their students to emphasize the importance of not creating, sharing or adding to a post of violence. Instead, any concerning post should be reported to a school staff member or law enforcement. Each report is taken seriously and shared with the appropriate staff and authorities for investigation. 

Thank you for helping to keep our school communities safe.