Measure P - 2024
Investing in Our School Facilities
A message from Superintendent Bassanelli
Dear San Juan Unified community,
We take great pride in our wonderful students, teachers and staff, and we are always striving to improve the quality of education in our district. This is why our Board of Education unanimously decided to place the San Juan Unified School District Classroom Repair Measure on the November 2024 ballot.
As you may be aware, many of our local schools are more than 70 years old and in need of significant repairs. A recent report showed that we have as much as $3.5 billion in need. If passed by voters, Measure P could provide funds to:
- keep classrooms safe and clean,
- fix deteriorating classrooms and leaky roofs,
- fix water pipes, plumbing, bathrooms, and electrical wiring,
- provide safe drinking water,
- replace outdated security and fire safety systems
Quality classrooms and good teachers are essential to student learning. If passed by voters, Measure P funds will help the district upgrade career technical education classrooms, math and science labs and ensure that students have access to a well-rounded education including music, visual and performing arts.
By improving classrooms and teaching environments, Measure P can help San Juan Unified remain competitive during the current teacher shortage so that we can continue to attract and retain the quality teachers our students deserve.
If passed by voters, Measure P will authorize $950 million in bonds, with tax rates of approximately 6¢ per $100 of assessed value.
Measure P spending would be subject to strict accountability requirements, including independent annual financial audits, review of all spending by a citizens' oversight committee and no funding can be used for administrators' salaries or pensions. Public disclosure of funds is required by law and all funds are required to be spent locally to improve neighborhood San Juan Unified schools.
Thank you for caring about the quality of our local schools.
In community,
Melissa Bassanelli
Measure P on the Nov. 2024 ballot
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Measure P?
- What repairs and upgrades are included in Measure P?
- How does Measure P address issues of lead and asbestos in our schools?
- How does San Juan continue to recruit and retain quality teachers?
- How could Measure P improve the quality of classrooms in San Juan Unified schools?
- What fiscal accountability provisions are included in Measure P?
- How much will Measure P cost?