Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
In 2013, the California Department of Education (CDE) revised education code to develop the new California School Accountability System, and to establish the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). LCFF is used to allocate state funding to all school districts. This includes base funding for all districts as well as additional supplemental and concentration grants based on the unduplicated number of English learner, low-income, and foster youth students.
The LCAP is used to show how LCFF funding will be spent by a school district to improve student outcomes. The LCAP shall demonstrate how services are provided to meet the needs of unduplicated English leaner, low-income, and foster youth students and improve the performance of all pupils in the eight state priority areas (Education Code ch. 14.5, §15494).
California Department of Education (CDE) Ed Code
Year 1: 2024-27 SCOE approved LCAP
Year 1: 2024-27 SCOE approved LCAP Spanish
Charter School LCAPs
Year 1: 2024-27 Charter School LCAPs
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Plans
2024-25 La Entrada Continuation
LCAP Federal Addendum
Gianfranco Tornatore
Director, Continuous Improvement and LCAP
(916) 971-7931
Melissa Tachiera
LCAP Analyst
(916) 979-8567
Marea Touray
Administrative Assistant
(916) 971- 7200