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Public Participation

The board welcomes your comments in person (at board meetings), in writing, and by telephone. In addition, there are Board Advisory Committees that are open to the public.

Speaking to the Board

Public comments are welcome at board meetings. Each agenda allows time for visitor comments at the beginning of the meeting, as well as during consideration of specific agenda items. Pursuant to Board Bylaw 9323, comments are limited to two minutes per individual and 30 minutes per agenda item to allow equal access and allow time for board discussion and action on items.

Public comment at special meetings of the board is limited to comments specific to items on that meeting's agenda. Comments on non-agendized topics can be addressed at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. 

Writing to the Board

The board welcomes your comments in writing. You can email the board at, or mail your letters addressed to:

Board of Education
San Juan Unified School District
3738 Walnut Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608
P.O. Box 477, Carmichael, CA 95609-0477

Calling the Board

Messages for the board may be left with the board assistant, Stephanie Cunningham, at (916) 971-7111.

Board Advisory Committees

The board establishes volunteer public advisory committees as needed. These committees hold regular meetings that are open to the public. The committees discuss issues referred by the board and make recommendations to the board. The current board advisory committees are:

  • Facilities - Review and advise the Board of Education on district facilities.
  • Citizens Oversight Committee - Oversees the expenditures and activities related to school bonds.
  • Curriculum, Standards, and Instructional & Student Services - Review and make recommendations to the Board of Education on educational programs, projects, standards and assessments; graduation and course retirements; textbook adoptions; and policies on student behavior and discipline.
  • Local Control and Accountability Plan Parent Advisory Committee - Consults and provides advice to the Board of Education on matters pertaining to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) with the goal of improving the performance of unduplicated English learner, low-income, and foster youth students as well as the performance of all students in the state priority areas. 

The San Juan Unified School District has occasional openings on the board advisory committees. Learn more.