Subsidized - Family Handbook and Program Regulations
The San Juan Unified School District’s Discovery Club program is created to provide a safe, caring, and educational place for your child.
Discovery Club is a childcare and enrichment program for working and busy parents who need assistance before and after school and throughout the summer months. The goal of Discovery Club is to provide children in transitional kindergarten through sixth grade with a physically and psychologically safe environment where they can grow developmentally and academically through fun and challenging enrichment activities. The program also provides children with opportunities to learn social and life skills they can share with others. Discovery Club children learn about their world and participate in their community 12 months per year. During the school year, the children complete community service projects that teach how they can contribute to their community. In the summer, children take many field trips learning what their community has to offer them.
To continue our quality service to you and your child, please share your child’s needs with us so that we can be of support to your family. Ongoing communication between staff and parents is an essential part of reinforcing the child’s feeling that Discovery Club is a connection between home and school.
We are pleased to have you and your child in our program.
Family Handbook
- ECE Mission Statement
- Human Dignity Policy
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Prohibition of Religious Instruction
- "Open Door" Policy
- Non-Smoking Policy
- Photo Release Policy
- Cell Phone Policy
- Enrichment
- Homework Policy
- Program Calendar
- Program Hours Sign-In and Out Procedures
- Locations of Discovery Clubs
- Supervision of Children
- Staffing
- Family Engagement
- Discovery Club Family Meetings
- Health
- Universal Precautions
- Student Injuries
- Insurance
- Nutrition
- Clothing
- Hot Weather Procedure Followed by ECE Programs
- Sunburn Prevention
- Field Trips
- Field Trip Refund Policy
- Preparation for Emergencies
- Emergency Plan
- Child Abuse
- Counseling
- Late Pick-Ups
- Parent Advisory Committee
ECE Mission Statement
Respecting the uniqueness of each child, the mission of the San Juan Early Childhood Education Department is to educate and inspire each child and family to become active collaborators and innovators in a diverse world by fostering creativity, critical thinking, communication, and citizenship in a safe, nurturing, and evolving learning environment.
Human Dignity Policy
Recognizing that the population - students, parents/guardians, employees, visitors, and community members of San Juan Unified School District - is diverse, the Board of Education believes it is part of the district’s mission to provide a positive, harmonious environment in which respect for the diverse makeup of the school community is promoted, human dignity is reflected in attitudes and behaviors toward others and self.
Human dignity is characterized through respect, sensitivity, and care exhibited in the interaction of staff, students, parents/guardians, and other persons. A major aim of education in San Juan Unified School District is the development of a reasoned commitment to the core values of a democratic society.
In accordance with this aim, the school district will not tolerate behavior by students, employees, parents/guardians, or visitors which insults, degrades, or stereotypes any individual, race, gender, disability, physical characteristic, ethnic group, sexual preference, age, national origin, income level, or religion.
Appropriate consequence for violating the human dignity policy will be specified in the student code of conduct of each school. The spirit of this policy will be applied to all district departments. Conduct by staff or visitors which violate this policy will be addressed in accordance with provisions of district policy, California laws, and/or the appropriate employee contract.
Non-Discrimination Statement
The San Juan Unified School District Board of Education is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in district programs and activities. District programs, activities and services shall be free from unlawful discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, and/or bullying based on actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or on the basis of a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
For questions or complaints, please contact:
Non-Discrimination/Equity Compliance Officer:
Non-Discrimination/Equity Compliance Officer:
Fhanysha C. Gaddis, General Counsel
3738 Walnut Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
Telephone: (916) 971-7110
Title IX Coordinator:
Katie Fabel, Legal Analyst/Title IX Coordinator 3738 Walnut Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
Telephone: (916) 971-7110
Section 504 Coordinator:
Dominic Covello, Director, Student Support Services 3738 Walnut Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
Telephone: (916) 971-7220
Any student who engages in discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Any employee who permits or engages in unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Prohibition of Religious Instruction
"Open Door" Policy
Non-Smoking Policy
As of July 1, 1990, San Juan Unified School District is “tobacco free.” No tobacco will be permitted on any of the district sites, regardless of the school schedule. Please refrain from using tobacco while participating in school functions (including field trips) in order to safeguard the health of all program participants.
Photo Release Policy
Cell Phone Policy
The enrichment program is designed to create an atmosphere which will ensure each child’s continued success and interest in learning. In planning the educational environment, we have taken into account the various ages of the children attending, the level of each child’s development, and the ways in which children learn. Throughout the day there are planned experiences and opportunities for spontaneous self-directed activities that touch all areas of curriculum. Enrichment activities are specifically designed to foster the development of literacy, technology, creativity, problem-solving skills, science, and the appreciation of all cultures. Activities which reflect a variety of cultures are integrated into the program through art, music, history, literature, and character education. Physical development needs are met through outdoor sports and games which help to develop large and small muscles and eye-hand coordination.
Homework Policy
Discovery Club will provide a minimum of 30 minutes of homework time daily. Teachers will provide a quiet environment and assist children as the number of children permits. Children may choose to work on homework, silent reading, journaling, or simply rest during this quiet period. Discovery Club does not guarantee that all assigned homework will be completed, that all homework will be correct, or that children will understand all concepts in their assignments.
Program Calendar
The program will be closed on specific holidays listed on the program closure schedule as determined by the district. The Site Closure Schedule will be distributed yearly to all families.
The day before Thanksgiving and the day before winter break may be a 3:00 p.m. early dismissal day. Discovery Club will be closed two days per year for staff development and training. These days will be listed on the Site Closure Schedule and will usually be the day before school starts and the day after school ends each year.
Program Hours Sign-In and Out Procedures
Discovery Club’s hours of service on school days are based on the school’s hours of instruction, Monday through Friday. Non-school day hours for all Discovery Clubs are 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Due to safety and liability issues, Discovery Club cannot accept children and parents into the classroom prior to 7:00 a.m. Doors will be unlocked when the classroom clock reads 7:00 a.m. Authorized adults 18 years or older, must sign children in/out according to the classroom clock, regardless of contracted times. Full legal signatures are required when signing children in and out of the program. Discovery Club closes at 6:00 p.m. each day.
All adults authorized to pick-up a child must be prepared at all times to show a photo identification.
Locations of Discovery Clubs
Discovery Clubs are located at participating elementary schools in the San Juan Unified School District. Occasionally, your Discovery Club may be relocated temporarily to another San Juan Unified School District school/building if necessary, to accommodate program needs and to ensure the safety of children and staff. Parents will be notified in advance of any necessary relocation as soon as possible. No adjustment of monthly fees will be made should families choose not to attend the program during relocation for any reason.
Supervision of Children
Children are supervised at all times while at the Discovery Club.
Transitional Kindergartners and Kindergartners are escorted to and from the kindergarten classrooms.
First – Sixth graders, once released by the classroom teacher, must check in at Discovery Club immediately following the dismissal bell.
For safety reasons, children are always escorted to and from restrooms.
Family Engagement
Family engagement enriches a child’s experience in Discovery Club. There are various opportunities for parents to become involved with their children. Families may participate in any of the following ways:
Daily communication with the teacher
Attend parent-child-teacher conferences
Participate in field trips with your child (may require fingerprinting)
Participate in program family events
Attend Discovery Club family meetings
Families are encouraged to share in their child’s Discovery Club experience in the following ways:
Share cultural customs with the classroom
Share a skill or occupation you have with the children
Collect and share materials for art projects
Discuss classroom experiences with your child
Show an interest in your child’s artwork and projects
Attend parent meetings, parent-child-teacher conferences, and family events
Discovery Club Family Meetings
Please notify your Discovery Club teacher of any health issues your child may have. Children with health issues (e.g., asthma, allergies, diabetes, toileting issues, etc.) may require a care plan before starting the program.
If your child has had a bad night, is upset for some reason, or if he/she is not feeling as usual, please take the opportunity to discuss this with the teacher. Children who are ill during the school day are not eligible to attend Discovery Club on that day.
A child who has had a fever (100 degrees), is vomiting, or has diarrhea, should not return to the program until the temperature or symptoms have been normal for 72 hours. If your child becomes ill at Discovery Club, an authorized adult must pick up within one hour of telephone contact. It is the parent’s responsibility to make alternative pick-up arrangements if they are unable to pick up their child. Failure to follow this policy is cause for disenrollment from the program.
A child who has not attended the program for more than five days may require a doctor’s note before returning to the program.
Discovery Club has a lice free policy. Children with lice will not be accepted at Discovery Club regardless of recent treatment. Repeated outbreaks of this condition may result in disenrollment from the program.
Children suffering from contagious or infectious diseases, or children whose physical or mental disability is such to cause their attendance to be harmful to the welfare of other children, may be excluded from school/Discovery Club attendance (Calif. Ed. Code 10551-52).
All prescription and non-prescription medications to be administered to children must be accompanied by a district Authorization for Medication in School form signed by both a parent and a doctor.
There must be a current form for each prescription stating the child’s name and the name of the medication, frequency, amount, duration of the medication, and signed by the doctor.
Parents must directly hand all medications to a Discovery Club teacher. Medications must be in labeled original containers. For your child’s safety, information on the medication bottle must match the medication form. All ongoing medication forms must be updated each July. This policy applies to all San Juan Unified School District schools and programs.
Universal Precautions
Universal precautions are not limited to use with individuals known to be carrying a specific disease. Precautions must be used in all situations and instances when body fluids are handled. Precautions should be used daily as part of good hygiene practices in all classrooms. In Discovery Club universal precautions include:
Hand washing
Using gloves
Careful trash disposal
Using disinfectants
- Modification of CPR technique
It is critical that universal precautions be used in every instance when handling blood and body fluids (e.g., drainage from scrapes and cuts, feces, urine, vomit, respiratory secretions such as nasal drainage, saliva, and blood). For legal reasons related to confidentiality there is no requirement that health officials notify school authorities of the results of blood tests for antibodies to the HIV/AIDS virus.
Student Injuries
Keep in mind that no matter how safe an environment is, accidents do occur. Staff members are certified to give first aid and CPR. If a child becomes injured while in the program:
- Basic first aid will be applied by a teacher.
- Discovery Club will notify a parent.
- Certain types of injuries, such as head, neck, and joint injuries, at the time of the injury.
- In the event an injury occurs that causes concern, a Discovery Club teacher may request that a parent or other authorized adult come and check the child’s injury for possible medical follow-up.
- If a program teacher determines that a child’s injury or health requires immediate EMS support, 911 will be called.
Student Accident Insurance is available for parents to purchase through San Juan Unified School District. The policy is available for a modest fee. You can request an insurance envelope describing the benefits from your school. Your participation is optional. The insurance will cover medical expenses relating to accidents at school and Discovery Club.
Good nutrition is essential to maintaining quality health and supporting the learning capabilities of children. Our nutrition policies and practices support serving snacks of high nutritional quality.
- Discovery Club provides a nutritional snack daily. Menu and snack time will be posted and meet the guidelines for CACFP.
- Grant based Discovery Clubs provide breakfast and lunch for all children through the Child and Adult Care Food Program as long as the child is in our care at the time of the meal being served. Menu and meal time will be posted.
- Please discuss any food allergies your child may have with your Discovery Club teacher.
To file a complaint with the CACFP Branch of the California Department of Social Services by phone at 916-651-5400 or by email at
To file a complaint with USDA, call: (866) 632-9992 to request a complaint form and submit your form by
- Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20250-9410
- Fax: (202) 690-7442; or
- Email:
Parents are to ensure children are dressed in appropriate clothing to provide comfort. For safety, shoes must be worn at all times, including during water play activities. Backless sandals and clogs do not offer protection to children’s feet and can contribute to foot injuries as well as falls. A sports type of closed shoe is recommended.
Hot Weather Procedure Followed by ECE Programs
The program follows guidelines for Hazardous Ozone Episodes whenever air quality is reported to be a problem. During these days, field trips or other outdoor events may be cancelled for the safety of children and adults. When temperatures are over 90 degrees, strenuous outdoor activities are avoided, especially during the hottest part of the day and shaded areas of the playground are utilized for prolonged outdoor activities (especially water play) to minimize ultraviolet exposure and sunburn.
Sunburn Prevention
To prevent sunburn, the use of hats and sunscreen is encouraged. Parents are to provide both. Sunscreen should be rated with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. See site staff to obtain a sunscreen authorization form.
- Parents are encouraged to apply sunscreen before bringing children to the program.
- Parents are encouraged to instruct their children in how to apply sunscreen.
- Teachers will encourage children to reapply sunscreen before outdoor activities.
- Discovery Club staff may not apply sunscreen to children but will supervise and guide children during the application of sunscreen.
Field Trips
Field trips require a parent permission slip that must be turned in one week before the trip.
No child will be denied participation in a field trip for financial reasons. Please contact your teacher or administrator for assistance.
If you are not comfortable having your child attend a field trip, care can be provided at an alternate location. There is no refund for choosing not to attend a field trip.
If a child displays behavior that causes the teacher to feel it is not safe for them to attend a field trip, the teacher and administrator may:
Suggest a family member attend the trip.
Suggest an alternative location for care.
May be able to provide care at the Discovery Club depending on staff/child ratios being met.
Field Trip Refund Policy
Funds collected and deposited into the classroom Parent Support Fund account for program use on field trips have a limited refund policy. All monies retained in Parent Support Funds are for the benefit of all children in that program.
Cash refunds are not available.
Parents who cancel participation in a field trip at least two days prior to the date of the field trip may request credit toward the next field trip.
Cancellations less than two days prior to the field trip, may not be given credit.
Maximum total charges per child in a contract year cannot exceed $25
Preparation for Emergencies
Parents must be prepared to pick up their child or arrange for someone else to do so in the event of an emergency.
Every parent is required to complete two (2) emergency cards at enrollment and a new card every January thereafter. These cards are kept on file in the classroom. Parents are responsible for updating emergency cards yearly in January and for updating information as it changes. Failure to do so is cause for disenrollment from the program.
Alert the adults you have listed on the emergency card that they may be called to pick up your child and that they must bring a photo identification to the classroom.
California Education Code 49408 indicates that for protection of a pupil’s health and welfare, the governing board of a school district may require the parent or legal guardian of a pupil to keep current at the pupil’s school of attendance, emergency information including the home address and telephone number, business address and telephone number of the parent or guardian, and the name, address and telephone number of a relative or friend who is authorized to care for the pupil in any emergency situation if the parent or legal guardian cannot be reached. Failure to do so may result in disenrollment from the program.
Emergency Plan
Each Discovery Club has a plan of action in case of an emergency.
During critical weather conditions or other local emergencies, your child should be picked up as soon as possible.
In the event of a lock-down, teachers and assistants are instructed to refuse admittance to anyone until the drill or the emergency has been resolved. This is for the safety of all children and staff.
4. On rare occasions, Discovery Club may be relocated to a different campus for the safety of children and staff.
Child Abuse
Late Pick-Ups
All Discovery Clubs close at 6:00 p.m. Parents are required to make arrangements for an authorized adult, 18 years or older, to pick up the child and to notify the teacher in charge regarding the change of time and person if they will be arriving after 6:00 p.m. Three (3) late pick-ups in a fiscal year is cause for disenrollment from the program. A late charge of $5 per 15 minutes per family will be charged beginning at 6:01, 6:16, 6:31, etc., for each incident. The classroom clock is used to determine late pick-up times. Failure to pay late charges is cause for disenrollment from the program.
When a child has not been picked up and no parent contact has been received, the following steps will be taken:
- The Discovery Club teacher will try to contact the parent.
- Persons on the emergency card will be contacted and asked to pick up the child immediately.
- The Discovery Club Administrator will contact Sacramento Sheriff’s Department if all efforts to arrange pick-up have been unsuccessful.
When the Sheriff’s Department assumes responsibility for a child, the child is taken to:
Children’s Receiving Home
3553 Auburn Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95821
Phone: (916) 482-2370
Parent Advisory Committee
By attending the family meetings at your Discovery Club, you are part of a Parent Advisory Committee. The Parent Advisory Committee is a vehicle to:
- Promote family participation
- Plan and promote participation in family social activities
- Alert families to become aware of current legislation
- Act as an advisor for possible changes in program operation and evaluation
- Assist in the development of next year’s program
Program Regulations
The following conditions reflect compliance with State/Federal mandated regulations and district policies. Your cooperation in abiding by the Program Regulations is appreciated.
- Eligibility for Enrollment in Subsidized Programs
- Parent/Adult Conduct
- Disenrollment
- Due Process
- General Communication Procedures
- Complaints Concerning School Personnel
- Sexual Harassment
- Community Resources
Eligibility for Enrollment in Subsidized Programs
Discovery Club serves children 4 years to 12 years, Transitional Kindergarten through 6th grade. Eligible children will be assigned care at the school in which the child is enrolled.
Students, ages 4 through 12 years, who are enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten through 6th grade and attend the elementary school where a Discovery Club program is located
are eligible for enrollment according to available space and eligibility criteria. Students who are in 6th grade are ineligible for care at schools that serve TK – 5th grade only. In the event that an inter-district or intra-district transfer is rescinded, childcare services will be discontinued.
The program welcomes and is prepared to serve all children when the program meets the needs of the child in the least restrictive environment. A child shall not be enrolled in more than one state subsidized program for the same period on the same day.
Need: Parents must be working, going to school, in job training, or meet other mandated criteria to qualify for subsidized child care. Parents who are volunteering or participating in an internship that is not required by their career goal are not eligible for care in the state funded child care program.
Eligibility: Families enrolled in a state funded program must have an actual gross income at or below 85 percent of the state median income, adjusted for family size. The family fee schedule is used to determine family fees.
Families remain eligible for child care services until their total countable gross income, adjusted for family size, exceeds 85 percent of the state median income level. Families will be issued a Notice of Action for disenrollment of subsidized services when it has
been determined that their income has exceeded 85 percent of the state median income level.
Confidentiality Statement
Title 5 California Code of Regulations (5 CCR) Section 18117 (a) applies to all CDE early education and support contracting agencies, unless otherwise specified, and prohibits use or disclosure of any and all information pertaining to a child and his or her family to anyone for any purpose unless that use, or disclosure is “directly connected with the administration of the program.”
During the 2022-2023 school year, family fees will be waived for all Child Care and Development Programs administered by California Department of Social Services through September 2023.
- All billing of fees and additional charges is by email unless otherwise requested. Payment for monthly fees and additional charges is due on the first day of the month made by check, cash, money order and electronically with your bank account or credit card. Contact the office for more information. Parents must keep current with payments. Failure to do so is cause for disenrollment from the program. Payments cannot be made at the site. Three notices for late payment of fees and/or charges issued in a fiscal year is cause for disenrollment from the program.
- Payment plans are available on a case-by-case basis. Contact your Admissions & Family Services Technician if a payment plan is needed. Payment plans are limited to four (4) in a fiscal year.
- Upon disenrollment of services for nonpayment of delinquent fees, the family will be ineligible for early learning and care services until all delinquent fees are paid.
An overdraft charge of $20 will be collected for returned checks. Reimbursement of returned checks must be made with cash or money order. Future payments will be required to be made in cash or money order if three (3) returned checks are received within a fiscal year.
- If the family total countable gross income decreases, applicable reduction in fees will be effective the first of the following month. A family at any time can voluntarily request for their fees to be re-evaluated. The request must be submitted in writing to your Admissions & Family Services Technician.
Discovery Club is a twelve-month continuous program. Fees are based on a flat monthly rate and are not adjusted for absences, (excused, or best interest days) after-school activities, school suspensions, emergency closures, or temporary exclusions from the Discovery Club program.
Credit for work related childcare outside Discovery Club hours of operation may be possible if a qualifying need can be documented. “Need” is determined by State Funding Terms. A completed childcare reimbursement form must be approved prior to receiving credit for fees paid for qualifying child care services for children birth to 6th grade. An outside childcare receipt, for the previous month’s care, must be submitted by the current month’s payment deadline. Outside childcare receipts cannot be credited toward past due fees. The individual providing outside care cannot be counted within the family size.
All Non-School Day Attendance Verification forms must be submitted to the teacher two weeks prior to the non-school day. Hours indicated may not exceed eligibility. Fees are based on the current contract for non-school days, not on hours used on that day.
Parents must pick up their children by 6:00 p.m. A late charge of $5 per family will be charged for every 15 minutes or portion of 15 minutes beginning at 6:01 p.m. Three (3) late pick-ups in a fiscal year is cause for disenrollment from the program. The classroom clock is used to determine late pick-up times. Failure to pay late charges is cause for disenrollment from the program.
Families may be charged for field trips, not to exceed $25 per year per child, however no child will be denied participation if unable to pay. Contact your classroom teacher if you need assistance for your child to attend a field trip.
Only children enrolled may attend a field trip.
- Children are not eligible to attend field trips on non-contracted days.
- Due to ratio and staffing requirements, families choosing not to attend field trips will be provided alternative care at a nearby Discovery Club program with available space. A one week notice is required.
- Contracted days cannot be exchanged for non-contracted days.
- Fees will not be adjusted if choosing not to attend field trips.
Families who are dropping are required to give a two week notice and are responsible fiscally during that period of time. Families who drop for any reason, including summer, will not be guaranteed re-enrollment. Families may request to be placed on the waiting list for future child care needs. Parents who drop with incomplete payments may be re-enrolled from the waiting list after full payment has been received. Payment of past due fees must be made in cash or money order. Re- enrollment will depend on available space and the discretion of the Administrator.
- The parent or guardian must provide documentation regarding the number of children and parents in the family. The following documentation is preferred but not limited to birth certificate(s) and records of marriage/divorce. If necessary documentation is not provided, child care services will be denied. Falsifying information on State and/or program forms is cause for disenrollment from the program.
All registration requirements must be completed prior to attendance. Discovery Club teachers must receive 2 completed emergency cards before a student can start. Parents are responsible for updating information as it changes. A new emergency form must be completed each January. All re-certification of eligibility must be completed in the ECE office yearly or at the end of the valid certification period. Failure to do so is cause for disenrollment from the program.
- All families are required to submit 30 days of income verification reflecting the 60 days immediately preceding the certification date (pay stubs, cash aid, SSI, etc.).
- Parents who are working must submit an Employment Verification form signed by their employer. Hours of care will be based on work hours stated by the employer plus driving time.
- Any change in emergency card information must be given to the Discovery Club within 24 hours. Failure to submit appropriate information within program timelines is cause for disenrollment from the program.
- Parents who are in school/training must comply with the following requirements or risk disenrollment from the program:
- The maximum amount of time allowed by the state to receive child care services while in training is 6 years or BA plus 24 units whichever occurs first.
- All parents participating in a school/training program must state a specific vocational goal and submit current class schedule.
- Completed classes will be verified with transcripts or grade reports at time of recertification.
- Parents must show adequate progress, 2.0 GPA or full credit for ungraded classes toward their vocational goal.
- Parents who do not show adequate progress have a 24 month certification period to show progress or the family will be disenrolled from the program. Families who have been disenrolled from the program can re-apply for services after 6 months if space is available.
Children may only be signed in and out by an authorized adult (18 years or older) identified on the child’s emergency card.
California Law requires a full legal signature on the sign-in/out sheets. Parent/guardian’s signature must match the signature on the confidential application. Authorized adults must sign children in/out according to the classroom clock, regardless of contracted times. Failure to do so is cause for disenrollment from the program. All authorized adults must be prepared to show picture identification when picking up children. Please notify all authorized individuals of this program policy. -
If a person, including those on the emergency card, comes to pick up your child and no prior notification has been given to the teacher, the child will not be released without first making contact with the parent. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify staff if someone other than the usual person will be picking up their child.
The school office does not report student absences or early departure from school to the Discovery Club program. Therefore, parents must call the Discovery Club program, separately, whenever it is necessary for their child to be absent from the program prior to their contracted time of arrival. If there is no contact from the parent, the teacher will call the parent at home the same day.
- Failure to notify program staff of absences three times in a fiscal year is cause for disenrollment from the program.
- When staff is unable to verify the safety of an unaccounted-for child using the emergency contacts provided by the parent, the Discovery Club Administrator is notified and will determine if and when the Sheriff’s Department will be notified for assistance.
All absences must be verified by parents in writing on sign-in sheets. The specific reason must be indicated for each absence. This is required by State Funding Terms.
Excused absences are:
- Illness of child or parent – it must be specified on the sign-in sheet if it is parent or child who is sick (child illnesses in excess of 5 days may require a doctor’s note before the child can return to the program)
- Medical/dental appointments
- Family emergencies such as death in the family, hospitalization, car accident, no transportation (specific emergency must be listed)
- School field trips – parent must provide documentation
- Best interest days (limited to 10 days during the fiscal year)
- Visitation with immediate family members – court order must be on file
Families are limited to ten (10) Best Interest days (vacation) per child each fiscal year. As defined by State Funding Terms, “Best Interest days allow excused absences for children that is clearly in the best interest of the child.” Best Interest Days for the child may include:
- Family vacation
- Time with relatives
- Special events for the child
- Cultural or religious celebrations
- Enrichment opportunities
Children are not eligible to attend on days noted as Best Interest days. There is no fee credit given for Best Interest days.
- Families contracted for service during work or school/training hours may be eligible for travel time before and after those activities. For these families, travel time is calculated by using a formula provided by the State.
- All stated hours and days on the contract are binding. Contracted hours are based on eligibility of need and each school’s start and end times. Contracts for bus riders are based on expected times of departure and arrival. All contracted hour totals are rounded up to the next quarter hour. Contracted times cannot be exchanged for non-contracted times without prior approval from an Admissions & Family Services Technician.
- A family may at any time voluntarily request a reduction to their service level. The request must be made in writing and submitted to their Admissions & Family Services Technician. Without approval, it is mandatory to adhere to the original contract.
- Non-School Day Attendance Verification forms must be submitted to the teacher two weeks prior to the non-school day.
Minimum day attendance is based on certified hours of eligibility regardless of daily contracted hours. Contracts must show a minimum of five hours per week on school days and ten hours per week on non-school days.
- Parents who are students may contract for class, study, and travel time. Study time is based on the total number of academic units taken at time of certification. When the training program does not assign units to required courses, no study time will be given without a written statement from the course instructor. The statement must include the reason study time is needed and the amount of time needed each week.
- Parents eligible under “Seeking Employment” may contract for up to 5.5 hours per day. Parents must submit a written declaration stating that the parent is seeking employment. The declaration shall include the parent’s plan to secure, change, or increase employment and a general description of when services will be necessary. Use of care outside the approved contract, without prior approval from the ECE office, is cause for disenrollment from the program.
Variable contracts are available to families who have a qualifying need. The hours contracted must match the need qualification. All families on variable contracts must comply with the following requirements:
Parents whose children are on a variable contract must personally hand the Weekly Variable Schedule form to a Discovery Club teacher every Friday indicating which days before and/or after school care is needed for the next week. Failure to submit a Weekly Variable Schedule will result in unexcused absences.
Failure to submit the Weekly Variable Schedule three (3) times in a fiscal year is cause for disenrollment in the program.
Submitted Weekly Variable Schedules are binding and cannot be exchanged for non-contracted hours, except in emergency situations. Emergency changes must be made 24 hours in advance.
Failure to submit the Weekly Variable Schedule form three times in a fiscal year is cause for disenrollment from the program.
Children on variable contracts must be scheduled for a minimum number of hours to show continued need for care. Minimum contract for a subsidized variable is 5 hours per school week and 10 hours per non-school week. Minimum and maximum number of hours for variable contracts are based on verification of need for child care.
- Parents who are “on call” must notify the teacher of any changes in their schedule prior to the child’s expected time of arrival.
- Failure to meet these requirements is cause for termination of the variable contract or disenrollment from the program.
Requests for a temporary suspension of services are to be submitted in writing with an explanation of extenuating circumstances and duration of time needed. The request will be approved or denied on a case-by-case basis. The amount of time is limited to a maximum of twelve (12) weeks per certification period.
- Abandonment of Care – When the family has not been in communication with the provider for seven (7) consecutive calendar days and has not notified the provider of the reason the family is not using services, the provider will attempt to contact the parent through a variety of communication methods. If after 30 consecutive calendar days, there is no contact, the family will be disenrolled via a Notice of Action, based upon abandonment of care.
Behavior Standards/Interventions/Discipline
- School rules are intended to protect the rights of all students and to promote a physically and psychologically safe learning environment. The behavior of a child must not interfere with his or her security or that of other children and adults in the classroom. Students are accountable for their behavior during Discovery Club, as well as on their way to and from school activities. Those who do not follow school/program rules, will not be permitted to continue in attendance regardless of length of enrollment.
The following Discovery Club classroom rules will be posted by each teacher:
I will respect myself and others.
- I will respect my property and the property of others
- I will respond to "Signals On."
- I will listen attentively
- I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself.
- I will behave safely
- Interventions may include:
- Time to think
- Loss of privilege
- Student conference
- Call to partent
- Parent conference
- Development of student behavior contract
- Removal from the program for one or more days
- Adjustment of hours or days of care
Parents may be asked to pick up their child if he/she demonstrates inability to respond to adult interventions. A parent or designated adult must pick up the child within one hour of telephone contact. Failure to do so is cause for disenrollment from the program.
Behavior standards and grounds for suspension of school-age children are the same for all programs of San Juan Unified School District. Repeated suspensions are cause for disenrollment from the program. In addition, if a child is suspended or expelled from the elementary school, he or she is automatically ineligible to attend the Discovery Club for the same period of time. There is no credit given for days of non-attendance due to suspension or temporary exclusions from the elementary school or Discovery Club program.
Parent/Adult Conduct
Any verbal or physical misconduct by a parent/adult is a violation of the State Education Code which protects teachers and children in these situations. Abusive conduct, harassment, or inappropriate language around teacher or children is cause for exclusion of the parent/adult from the Discovery Club. An officer may be requested to respond when adult behavior is perceived to jeopardize the safety of the children or adults on the school campus.
When a family is disenrolled, the child will not be allowed to continue in the program. If the child arrives after school, parents will be contacted for immediate pick-up. Causes for disenrollment include, but are not limited to:
- Excessive use of services beyond contracted hours
- Three (3) late payments in a fiscal year, July 1 – June 30
- Non-payment of fees or late charges
- Falsifying information on state and/or program forms
- Failure to report changes in emergency card information
- Abuse of staff or children (verbal or physical) by adult or child
- Inappropriate student or adult behavior
- Failure to report absences prior to the contracted arrival time (three (3) per fiscal year, July 1 – June 30)
- Violation of any program or district policy
- Failure to follow sign-in/out procedures
- Abandonment of Care
Families who have been disenrolled from the program for any reason require administrator approval for re-enrollment into any ECE program.
Due Process
All families may appeal any action that affects their child’s enrollment in writing to the Appeals Officer. The Appeals Officer will contact the family to begin the process. Your childcare services will continue during your appeal process.
If you disagree with the written decision of the agency, you have 14 calendar days in which to appeal to the Early Education and Support Division (EESD). Your appeal to the EESD must include the following documents and information: (1) a written statement specifying the reasons you believe the agency’s decision was incorrect, (2) a copy of the agency’s decision letter, and (3) a copy of both sides of this notice. You may either fax your appeal to 916-323-6853, or mail your appeal to the following address:
California Department of Social Services
Child Care and Development Division
Attn: Appeals Coordinator
744 P Street, MS 9-8-351
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 1-833-559-2420
Fax: 916-654-1048
General Communication Procedures
In order to promote fair and constructive communication, San Juan Unified School District has implemented appropriate communication procedures.
Sometimes miscommunication or incomplete information causes concern. Clarifying the situation with the people immediately involved is efficient and creates opportunities to develop successful solutions. A team approach to resolution helps everyone. To resolve questions, concerns, or problems as successfully as possible, the district asks parents and students to:
Meet informally with the person or persons involved. State the facts you are aware of and what you think the problem is.
If you need further help or clarification, call the ECE office (916) 971-7375 and make an appointment with the Teacher on Special Assignment assigned to support your classroom.
If you need further help or clarification, request a meeting with the program Administrator. The Administrator will try to resolve the concern.
If you need further help or clarification, the Administrator will assist you in making an appointment with the ECE Program Manager.
The Program Manager will meet with you for clarification and resolution. If you have further questions, the Program Manager will assist you in addressing a formal complaint letter to the appropriate division-level administrator.
Complaints Concerning School Personnel
The following procedures shall govern complaints concerning district personnel. Every effort should be made to resolve a complaint in a timely manner.
Complaints concerning district personnel should be made directly by the complainant to the person against whom the complaint is lodged. Complainants are encouraged to attempt to informally resolve concerns with the staff personally.
If the complaint is not resolved at this level, the complainant may request a meeting with the immediate supervisor of the school or department involved. Every attempt should be made to resolve the complaint through discussion, problem solving, etc.
If the complainant remains unsatisfied after the response from the immediate supervisor, the complainant may appeal the resolution to the appropriate division- level administrator for review and consideration. At that time, the division-level administrator may request that the complainant and supervisor put their concerns/responses in writing, if appropriate. A review of all written and oral information will take place and a phone call or written response to communicate the final decision will be provided to the complainant within 30 working days from the time the division-level Administrator receives the request.
Sexual Harassment
The District has adopted a strict policy containing rules and procedures for reporting sexual harassment and pursuing remedies and is committed to maintaining an educational environment that is free from harassment, including school, or school-sponsored or school-related activities.
The Board of Education prohibits unlawful sexual harassment of or by anyone (including students and employees) in or from the district. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical contact of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the work or educational setting. Any student who engages in sexual harassment of another student or anyone from the district may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Any employee who permits or engages in sexual harassment may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
To File a Formal Written Complaint
Any student, staff member, or parent who feels that unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment has occurred should immediately contact a teacher, the school principal, or district Title IX/Compliance Officer. A formal complaint may be initiated at the school or by directly contacting the Title IX/Compliance Officer. Copies of the Uniform Complaint Form may be obtained from the school office or Title IX/Compliance Officer.
Filing a Complaint: Obtain a copy of the Uniform Complaint Form from the school or Title IX/Compliance Officer. Submit the complaint form to the school principal or Title IX/Compliance Officer.
Investigation: The District will investigate the complaint and provide a written report of the investigation and decision within 40 days of when the complaint is filed.
Mediation: Mediation is optional. It involves a third party who assists the parties in resolving the dispute. If mediation is used, the timelines are extended by 30 days.
Appeals: If the person making the complaint disagrees with the District’s decision, he/she has 5 days to appeal the decision to the school district Board of Education; or alternatively, 15 days to appeal the decision to the Calif. Department of Education.
A person filing a complaint may also seek civil law remedies, subject to certain timelines.
At any time, a complainant has the right to file a complaint alleging violations of federal laws or regulations, prohibiting unlawful discrimination including harassment on the basis of actual or perceived sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, sexual preference, ancestry, ethnic group identification, gender, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics with the United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 50 Beale Street, Suite 7200, San Francisco, CA 94105.
Complaints will be kept as confidential as appropriate.
The District prohibits retaliation against any participant in the complaint process. Each complaint shall be investigated promptly and in a way that respects the privacy of all parties concerned.
For questions or complaints, please contact:
Katie Fabel, Legal Analyst/Title IX Coordinator
3738 Walnut Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
Telephone: (916) 971-7110
Non-Discrimination/Equity Compliance Officer: Fhanysha C. Gaddis, General Counsel
3738 Walnut Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
Telephone: (916) 971-7110
Section 504 Coordinator: Dominic Covello, Director, Student Support Services
3738 Walnut Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
Telephone: (916) 971-7220
Community Resources
If you are in need of special assistance for yourself or others, the following emergency services are available for immediate help:
- AA (24 hours)
- (916) 454-1100
- (916) 454-1771 (Business Line)
- AL-ANON (24 hours)
- (916) 334-2970
- Child Abuse/Neglect
- Children's Protective Services
- (916) 875-0189
- (916) 875-5437 (Hotline; Child Abuse, 24 hours)
- Child Action
- (916) 369-0191
- Children's Protective Services
- Drug Abuse
- Well Space Health (9 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
- (916) 737-5555
- Sacramento Children's Home Crisis Nursery Program
- (916) 679-3600 (North)
- (916) 394-2000 (South)
- Poison Control (24 hours)
- 1-800-222-1222
- Well Space Health (9 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
- Psychiatric Emergency/Crisis Intervention
- UCD Medical Center
- (916) 734-2011
- Sacramento County Mental Health
- (916) 875-1055 (Adult Access Line; 24-Hour Crisis Line)
- (916) 875-9980 (Children/Family Access Line)
- Sacramento Children's Home
- (916) 679-3600
- SJUSD/ECE Mental Health Therapist
- (916) 971-5955
- Suicide Prevention Service (24 hours)
- (916) 368-3111
- WEAVE Shelter & Rape Crisis & Counseling Center
- (916) 920-2952 (Support line for people experiencing domestic violence)
- Sutter Children's Bereavement Art Group
- (916) 887-5275
- WellSpace Birth & Beyond Family Resource Center (North Highlands)
- (916) 679-3925
- UCD Medical Center