YMCA offers Before and/or After-School Programs at the following sites:
Cowan - Before and After-School
Oakview - Before and After-School
Del Paso Manor - Before School only
Priority will be given to students who qualify under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Foster Youth, English Learners, and students eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Space is limited and students will be enrolled in the program on a first come, first served basis once priority has been applied.
To apply for enrollment in the YMCA Program, please complete the application packet below. Applications are also available at the school site or the regional offices. Completed applications can be submitted to the school office, to the designated YMCA Site Facilitator, or at one of the following regional offices:
- Arden Arcade Region - General Davie, 1500 Dom Way, Sacramento 95864/Room 20, (916) 979-8324
- Citrus Heights Region - Grand Oaks Elementary, 7901 Rosswood Dr., Citrus Heights 95621/Room H7, (916) 979-8399
YMCA contact information: Tiffany Davidson, email: tdavidson@ymcasuperiorcal.org, phone: (916) 231-0622