Check here for the latest on San Juan Unified’s COVID safety plans, quarantine and isolation guidance and testing information.
COVID-19 Information
Daily Prescreening for Students
Prior to sending your child to school, parents must perform a daily symptom check on their child. If the answer is YES to any of the following questions, your child must stay home from school. You should report your child’s illness and symptoms to the school attendance office.
- Does your child have a fever (100.4° F or greater) without fever-reducing medications? (If you are in need of a thermometer, please contact your child’s school)
- Does your child have a sore throat?
- Does your child have a new uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for children with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)?
- Does your child have diarrhea or vomiting?
- Does your child have new onset of severe headache, especially with a fever?
- Does your child have a recent loss of taste or smell?
- Does your child have congestion/runny nose
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 testing is an important tool to help detect and prevent the spread of the virus. San Juan Unified does not currently require COVID-19 testing but does provide at-home test kits to employees and families upon request. Kits are available from school offices or at the district office located at 3738 Walnut Ave., in Carmichael.
You can view San Juan Unified's current COVID-19 Testing Plan per the requirements of SB 1479.
Quarantine and Isolation
The information on this page has been drafted to help bring greater understanding to quarantine and isolation periods. It reflects the latest guidance to be implemented by the district. This page is for informational purposes only. Return dates are assigned by schools based on individual circumstances.
San Juan Unified follows the latest guidance and requirements from state and local health departments regarding quarantine and isolation periods. Each individual case involving exposure to COVID-19 or a confirmed case of COVID-19 is evaluated based on its individual circumstances and the ability to return to school or work may vary. Below are general guidelines currently in use, but individual cases may vary.
Requirements if Exposed
An individual is considered exposed or a close contact exposure if in the same room or other contained space indoors for a total of 15 minutes or more in a 24-hour period during a COVID-19 positive person's highly infectious period. The infectious period is considered to be two days prior to and 5 days after the onset of symptoms or first positive test if asymptomatic.
Even if not required to isolate or quarantine by current health guidance, any exposed persons should test for COVID-19 three to five days after their last date of exposure, wear a well fitted face covering and closely monitor for any symptoms.
Suspected Case
If a student or staff answers "yes" to one of the health prescreening questions and/or has COVID-19 symptoms, but has not been tested or is awaiting test results:
- If on campus, staff will isolate the individual and then send them home.
- Notifications to other students or staff are not necessary unless the individual later tests positive for COVID-19.
Those who have had symptoms should test for COVID-19 and may not return to work/school until:
1. At least 24 hours have passed since fever AND
2. At least 24 hours have passed since their symptoms have improved significantly;
COVID-19 Positive Test Result
If a student or staff has tested positive for COVID-19:
- If on campus, isolate case and exclude from school/work. Administrator/supervisor completes online COVID-19 incident report.
- Site administrator and COVID-19 response team identify close contact exposures in accordance with current state and local health official guidance.
- Recommend testing for close contact exposures. School/office/class may remain open.
- District communication office will assist schools and programs to provide notification to students and staff who may have been in close contact to the individual.
Students and staff who test positive but are asymptomatic are not considered infectious and do not require any isolation from school or work.
Individuals who test positive and have symptoms must isolate. Isolation periods last until the individual has been fever-free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved.
Of note, employees returning after testing positive must wear a mask while indoors for 10 days from the day of the start of symptoms.