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Safe Routes to School

The Safe Routes to School program in San Juan Unified is a program that works to increase students walking and bicycling to school, as well as using transit and carpooling. 

School sites and communities are assessed to determine what concerns, procedures and infrastructure may be preventing students from walking and bicycling, and then remove or reduce those barriers.

The program is currently funded by an Active Transportation Program cycle 4 (ATP4) grant, which spans from April 2020 through June 2024. 

San Juan Unified conducts walkability/bikeability audits at elementary, K-8 and middle schools to support safe walking and biking to school and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Audits are coordinated by the Safe School / Safe Routes Coordinator.  Audits include student tallies and family school trip surveys that assess current walk/bike travel routes and identify barriers to walking or biking. Audits provide an individualized school report that includes recommendations for infrastructure improvement projects, enforcement actions and educational and encouragement activities. Activities could include: International Walk to School Day, Bicycle Education, Fire up Your Feet classroom activities, Walking School Buses, Bicycle Rodeos and school-wide incentives that encourage healthy lifestyle choices. Audits are available to interested schools and conducted as funding allows.


Natalee Dyudyuk
Safety Specialist, Safe Routes To School
(916) 971-7338
