Submitting a Safety Concern
School safety is everyone’s responsibility. Anyone with knowledge of criminal activity occurring on a school campus or a threat of school violence should immediately notify the appropriate law enforcement agency.
- San Juan Unified schools within the unincorporated area of Sacramento County: Notify the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department at:
Emergencies - call 911
Non-Emergency - call (916) 874-5115
- San Juan Unified schools within the incorporated city of Citrus Heights: notify the Citrus Heights Police Department at:
Emergencies - call 911
Non-Emergency - call (916) 727-5500
Information regarding school safety concerns up to and including threats of school violence should be reported as soon as possible directly to the school’s principal. Safety tips and concerns may be submitted anonymously if desired and may be submitted online.
Online safety concerns may be submitted for:
Concern for the safety for self or others (suicide prevention)
Discrimination & Harassment
Threat(s) of Violence to School or Students
Vandalism & damage to school property
Other ‘general’ Safety Concerns
When submitting a safety concern, please include as much information as possible to ensure the concern can be addressed quickly. Confidentiality and anonymity will be honored to the extent possible.