McKinney Vento
Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence are considered to be living in transition. The program includes school-age children who have a nighttime residence that is: shared with another family, a shelter, motel or hotel, transitional housing, trailer park, campground, makeshift arrangements in someone's home or a place not designed for human accommodation.
Rights of Students
- Immediate enrollment
- Rights to School of Origin/Feeder School
- A homeless child or youth that becomes permanently housed during a school year continues to remain eligible for Title I and McKinney Vento services for the remainder of that school year.
- Transportation
- Homeless Liaison Support
- Removal of all barriers to FAPE, enrollment and extracurricular activities
- Enrollment without normally required documents such as:
- Proof of Residency
- Immunization Records
- School Records
- Legal Guardianship papers
Contact Information
Food Closet Veronica Allen 916-979-8878 Ext: 118158
Supervisor McKinney-Vento Megan Robinson 916-979-8604. (homeless liaison)
McKinney Vento-School Community Intervention Assistance Allison Dillard 916-979-8794 Ext: 118155
School Community Workers Ashley Sandoval 916-979-8877 Ext: 118157